... now we work with data driven HR, like we always dreamed of.

Meet Catrine & Elin

After many years in HR, Catrine and Elin felt that it was time for a change. They had both struggled with Excel sheets, devoted more time to the production of data than analyzing the results. They often felt that they made decisions based on gut feeling rather than data. They wanted to work smarter, faster and more data-driven.

Both had their own company and worked as HR consultants when they decided to start PeopleAnalytics together. We simply decided to come up with a solution, in the new company,  that we felt was missing in the market, says Catrine. A company that functions as an outsourced HR analytics department. That would really help HR to get data-driven insights.

Work process

After a lot of planning, PeopleAnalytics was founded in June 2016. I am so happy and proud that we dared to invest in our dream, to help HR and businesses to increase insights about its most important resource, its employees.

We know the pain points, says Elin. We wanted to be able to upload data from our payroll or HR system and get the analytics directly. The analysis work we did manually, were complicated, and took us several working days – now it takes just a few minutes to login and extract the insights in the system. In addition, the visualizations are clean and the tool is easy to use. Now days the HR Director can raise attention in the management team through relevant and correct HR analytics.

”We have built the analytics tool we always wanted for ourselves in HR ...

When I worked as an HR Director, I could only dream of working with analytics in this way, says Elin. Imagine every month getting insights about your organization’s staff turnover, number of employees, sick leave and internal mobility just by uploading two files. It’s literally just two clicks away for an interactive report. And the best of all – you don’t have to be an analyst to understand and get value from the insights.


Today, PeopleAnalytics offers analytics of equal pay analysis and HR annual accounts says Catrine, but the focus is always forward leaning to continue to develop new analytics functions that will help HR to work even more data-driven and thus also make even better decisions.

And the life puzzle. How does it work to run a company? Although we both work more than ever, it is easier to get the life puzzle together because we are in full control of our working days. The dream became true. Now we work with HR analytics and follow-up in the way we always dreamed about, concludes Catrine and Elin in unison.


We create a world where no people insights are lost